International Public Notice: For All of You Who Need to Know By Anna Von Reitz

First, you should know that the situation in Israel is heating up and getting more complex by the moment. You won’t hear this on the news because our media has been gagged since 1902 thanks to the British Pilgrim’s Society.  Israel targeted the Iranian embassy compound in Syria, lobbed missiles at it, and killed Iranians.  …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: The Courts Have Been Weaponized Since 1865 By Anna Von Reitz

In May of 1865, the Territorial Rump Congress created by Lincoln in 1861 — meaning the delegates of the Northern States and Union Army Officers appointed by Lincoln to fill the remaining empty seats — set up ten (10) new Military Districts in the eleven Southern States.  In each of these new Military Districts they …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: The Myth of the Sovereign Citizen By Anna Von Reitz

In Urban Legend, Mrs. O’Leary’s cow purportedly knocked over a lantern and burned down Chicago; likewise, somewhat like Sasquatch, the “Sovereign Citizen” is a dangerous, likely violent and unhinged character lurking behind wood piles with a sawed-off shotgun, ready to kill any peacekeepers or law enforcement officers that stumble into his rural domain.     This …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: Banks Can Steal Your “Money” By Anna Von Reitz

That is, they can steal what you are using “as” money, but not actual money.    This is an important point.     Bank Notes are not money and never have been. They are evidence of debt owed by the banks issuing these notes.  That’s why they are suddenly so desperate to destroy cash.     Cash …[continue reading]

International Public Notice – End of the FDA and NIH By Anna Von Reitz

The political, military, and economic consequences have arrived. It is coming home to the State-of-State and Federal “Government” Corporations of this country and the world — and especially the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration and the NIH, aka, National Institutes of Health.  Both of these organizations have proven to be uniquely corrupt and self-interested and …[continue reading]

International Public Notice — Why We Must Declare By Anna Von Reitz

Here, in America, we have been forced by deceit to participate in a European Caste System.  This Caste System recognizes three levels of increasing denigration. The highest level of the overall Caste System recognizes men and women who have sons and daughters and who possess Natural and Unalienable Rights.  They are living people and Lawful …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: HR5404 and Why Banks Are Collapsing By Anna Von Reitz

The banks are collapsing for an intrinsically stupid reason: the Federal Reserve Banks have been caught red-handed in an enslavement and peonage racket against Public Employees and their Dependents (including millions of Americans deliberately misidentified as such), and as its so-called Federal Reserve Notes aka FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES were based on kickbacks from these securitized …[continue reading]