International Public Notice: Nesara or Nesara? By Anna Von Reitz

The crying truth is that we already know all this information:, and more importantly, how to interpret this information,  because we are the ones that put together the puzzle pieces across the last 1000 years and also the ones who were brave enough to publish it and organize a proper response to it.   See our …[continue reading]

International Public Notice — Courts For Hire By Anna Von Reitz

We have described for you the deplorable criminality which has gained access to our world through the British Government(s) and their collusion with the Holy Roman Empire — the impersonation of people as different kinds of corporations, the illegal and unlawful direct taxation of civilians by private banks, the use of commercial corporations to usurp national …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: The Dutch and the Bank of England By Anna Von Reitz

We find it necessary to teach some more history that is even more arcane and lesser known than our own, but which sheds direct light on the circumstance and personalities that all nations face today.   The genesis of all the maladies now encircling the globe, including much of the confusion, lies in the trade wars between …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Arrest Warrant By Anna Von Reitz

This is Due Process and Notice and Warrant for the Arrest of all members of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, their immediate professional associates and all staff members, both U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, including but not limited to the members of the U.S. Congress on charges of …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: We’ve Been Swindled By Anna Von Reitz

Some people are having a hard time cutting through the “nice language” of law and custom, so let’s just put it bluntly and in the common vernacular: we’ve been swindled.  And it’s not just the Americans.   More than half the world has been subjected using the same corporate government scheme, which has been brought to …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: The Most Important Page By Anna Von Reitz

Many years ago now, I wrote a book.  It’s called “Disclosure 101”.  The most important page in the book is page 19.  It discloses, as of 1995, exactly where in the United States Municipal Code the Birth Certificate Trust is created and it explains the circumstance of its creation.  This is extremely rare information.    …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: No More “Bait and Switch” By Anna Von Reitz

Bait and Switch is one of the oldest con games in the world.  You offer one product, and substitute another.   This is what the British Territorial U.S. Government has been doing to the American People for over 160 years.   Abraham Lincoln was the “President” of a foreign corporation merely calling itself “the United States of …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: Reply to Germany By Anna Von Reitz

The problem in Germany and in all other illegally occupied countries including The United States has been caused by being “represented” by British Territorial (USA, Inc.) Persons who are themselves limited by their allegiance (feudal fealty) to the British Monarch, who is a vassal of the Pope.  They, the Occupiers, have no land rights and …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: Joe’s Hamburger Shop Worldwide By Anna Von Reitz

Recall our little story about Joe’s Hamburger Shop:   A Federal worker comes in with a government I.O.U. called a FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE and uses this as “legal tender” to “pay” (sort of) for a hamburger.   Joe gives him the hamburger, which has actual value, and accepts the debt-note in exchange.  Obviously, Joe is still owed …[continue reading]