False Flag Warnings for Martial Law in the USA and War with Russia

We do not warn of false flags to try to predict horrible events. We warn of false flags to try and prevent them.

They’re the norm for starting massive conflicts. They are based on lies and so, we only hope that the truth will make them futile.

Last week, I reported on rumors that Victoria Nuland was planning a false flag attack on a Ukrainian nuclear power plant.


There’s now talk in Kiev that the real president of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland has become so desperate for NATO troops to enter Ukraine and continue this US proxy war against Russia, that she is willing to murder locals with a radioactive cloud and blame it on Russian forces.

After that report, documentary filmmaker, Chris Emery, who has spent years researching “Pat-Con”, the US intelligence operation to use false flags as a way of criminalizing American patriots, reached out to me with some information that shows how this is standard operating procedure for the Black Hats in our government.

Chris Emery:


“We had done our first movie premiere in March of that year in Salt Lake City with an attorney we had actually interviewed in the film, by the name of Jesse Trentadue. He was approached by a command team leader who was in charge of 10, including himself, basically commandos to blow up the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in Athens, Alabama.

“I knew the Operation Pat-Con and then, Jesse went into detail on what Pat-Con was, which would later morph into the Waco attack and then, the Oklahoma City bombing. And then, our current, present day ramification of that was J6.

“That nuclear power plant is still standing today because this command leader says, no, that violated their rules of engagement that they were taught in their special operations, ever since he was a rookie commando. And he said, ‘We are not killing 27 innocent US civilians, no matter how much money you’re paying us.’

“Each of his partners – there were 10 commandos altogether – were given duffel bags full of cash. They were each given $5 million. They left it in the parking lot in the wee hours. He said, between 2:30 and 3:00 in the morning, they literally left these duffel bags in the parking lot, in the far end of the parking lot, away from the power plant and drove away. And they basically told their commanding officer to F* off.

“We are dealing with people who are of the occult, who are of a dark corner of the universe that we can’t even imagine and Nuland is in that pack, with Merrick Garland and several others. Without a doubt, she needs to be brought up on treason and indicted and put on trial and thrown in prison and the key tossed away.”

We also spoke on the subject of what appears to be the beginning of a false flag being set up on the Southern Border, with World Economic Forum puppet, Greg Abbott now calling for a civil war.

Chris Emery:

“What in the world? Why did it take him almost 2 and a half years to gear up? I think it’s disingenuous what he’s doing. These poor ranchers and the private citizens within 50-60 miles of the border have gotten their homes robbed, their ranches decimated, trash, human waste, windows broken into, property damage. He could have put the thumbscrew to that a long time ago. Why he chose to do so now is beyond me.

“They’re much more keen. They have the operative radar on High Alert now and they’ll be able to hopefully weed-out a lot of these operatives that, whether they know it or not are being paid by the Feds to be the fly in the ointment and get a lot more people in trouble. It’s just gong to be a reincarnation of J6 all over again.”

Expert on false flags and on the Southern Border, Michael Yon is also warning people not to fall for the trap.


Michael Yon:

“We already know that the so-called – I call it ‘OGUS’, the Occupational Government of the United States – we already know it’s out of control. The only rules that it plays by is anything it can get away with, it will do, right? We already know that.

“We saw January 6th. We see Americans have to show their ID and get searched and whatnot to get on airplanes.  

“Meanwhile, they’ve got illegals – I mean straight-up invaders – coming across the border by the thousands every day, that can board aircraft without any ID. There are no rules.

“We are clearly being hunted. American citizens, patriots are clearly being hunted.

“They’re looking for any excuse to go war and they will do it. Obviously, there’s going to be a very serious war. It’s clearly coming. Don’t walk into their traps. Do not do it. 

“Again, why would you go to Eagle Pass, which is so baited, when Abbott clearly can close the border if he wanted to. This is clearly a wrestling match. This is clearly a show. That’s the ‘Thunderdome’.