Engdahl: Alarming casualty rates for mRNA vaccines warrant urgent action

As official government data is emerging in Europe and the USA on the alarming numbers of deaths and permanent paralysis as well as other severe side effects from the experimental mRNA vaccines, it is becoming clear that we are being asked to be human guinea pigs in an experiment that could alter the human gene …[continue reading]

The Story of One Vitamin

In the past, Vitamin B17 was distributed as an anticancer vitamin. Nowadays distributors of the drug are prosecuted in the United States.    References: 1) Earl Mindell’s Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century. 2) Laetrile/Amygdalin (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/t… 3) Marinela Enculescu. Vitamin B17/Laetrile/Amygdalin (a Review) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A… 4) Unproven methods of cancer management. Laetrile https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1902140/ …[continue reading]

Johns Hopkins Prof: Half Of Americans Have Natural Immunity; Dismissing It Is “Biggest Failure Of Medical Leadership”

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – 04:19 PM Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, A professor with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine has said that there is a general dismissal of the fact that more than half of all Americans have developed natural immunity to the coronavirus and that it constitutes …[continue reading]

Dr. Carrie Madej on the COVID Vaccines – “The Future of Humanity is at Stake”

Amanda Forbes with guest, Dr. Carrie Madej. Many topics are discussed including the modified Messenger rna vaccines, stem cells, nanotechnology, social credit scores, vaccine genocide via cytokine storm , what it means to be human and much more. Amanda Forbes is a representative of both the Childrens Health Defense and Vaccine Choice Canada. Children’s Health …[continue reading]


LANCET admits – PCR testing is not the appropriate gold standard for evaluating a SARS-CoV-2 public health test.For 1 year used the wrong methode to test people on covid 19https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00425-6/fulltext?fbclid=IwAR2GKTiF-4Tjo5B1n_GRPY2sY5lTTO1UNuX1zwvzDQjHF6E8h5Xf75Nn3Sg https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/01/15/who-changes-definition-of-herd-immunity.aspx?ui=57bf41d35439647102f5720e797b20397eab8970d57f32d7147eee0629b891f3&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art2ReadMore&cid=20210115&mid=DM765667&rid=1059215815&fbclid=IwAR2kNAG2r4Nk5WDDNwIcECnS6WSIoJjUULZ3nBSiylttpd2P1ks2yLg1keE https://www.openpetition.eu/petition/online/stop-the-vaccination-certificate-in-the-eu?fbclid=IwAR1gB1sw86mxhEnsoPROfsuoP4WOXDSgGfwCcl6A5ZL74Q8BvjQIsrlMlus https://www.stoppfizer.org/?fbclid=IwAR3Gy9nVqr_S2Y0OENtn1U36oFZ3j8D__2Gi5T_pZasqxDlIcOzEvw3BVMo https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf?fbclid=IwAR37HSL7jsTqmdb426qAn8XjuFFKtWwTvyAR-5c7mn2s3QydzEzaurEH01s https://noorchashm.medium.com/a-letter-of-warning-to-fda-and-pfizer-on-the-immunological-danger-of-covid-19-vaccination-in-the-7d17d037982d https://www.dropbox.com/s/fppjj8ytsknzq3l/WHO%20Change%20of%20the%20definition%20Immunity%20.JPG?dl=0 https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR3_pkM1ZgoVhLEaJoTVWTxJsX_JPtOehnkEylifr_Obh9HYd7_2WIU_cTo https://www.docdroid.net/aoZfG1E/the-sovereign-independent-june-2011-4th-edition-pdf https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/eci.13554?fbclid=IwAR2ff36mgB7n0wYKAXwPvwhe8ma11G_3FD_-ZgHU7jvK52Qlkce6zIceqIQ Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday …[continue reading]

Get Ready for the ‘Plate Reset’

Blake Lovewell21st Century Wire The oft-overlooked ‘Food Security’ pillar of the Davos mafia’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda. Imagine with me: a plate of food that fulfills all your nutritional needs, that is provided to you for free, that has a whole host of fancy labels declaring it, for example, carbon neutral and ‘fair trade.’ It is …[continue reading]