Exclusive Alert Breaking: “British Banks are all on the brink of collapse” Godfrey Bloom.

Banks in America are collapsing at the rate of one a month. “we are entering a new dark age” Godfrey Bloom ,Author, Fund manager, Former MEP and former British Army Major with the 4th Armoured Brigade gives a startling expose of how close to financial meltdown we are. How reliable are our Banks? They are …[continue reading]

Maltese central bank governor, deputy PM face charges in snowballing corruption case

Malta’s political elite is being rocked by impending charges over a 2015 hospital concession deal. MAY 7, 2024 11:22 PM CET BY BEN MUNSTER, GEOFFREY SMITH AND CARLO BOFFA Malta’s political elite is facing a reckoning as a long-running investigation into alleged corruption under former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat comes to a head. Central Bank of Malta Governor Edward Scicluna …[continue reading]


In this episode we dive into the inverted economic system and the ramifications of the debasement of money throughout history and today. We discuss hard money vs easy money, the potential of Bitcoin as a solution to ending upside down economics, the Roman Empire, and property rights in the context of Palestine and Israel.  Saifedean …[continue reading]

Century of Enslavement: The Fraudulent History of The Federal Reserve ▪️ Corbett Report

Where does Money Come From❓▪️ Money plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Not only is it the currency which allows us to lead lives of relative health and comfort, but many would argue that it also serves as the driving force behind many of the world’s gravest ills. Despite its overwhelming dominance in …[continue reading]

Shifting the Narrative

How Do You Create a Diversion? Joe Lange Mar 20, 2024         We are currently in a nonstop narrative war. The evidence is everywhere, and most people in this community realize that. But we’ve actually been in a narrative war going back many generations. A narrative war is just a fight for …[continue reading]

Bitcoin’s Meteoric Rise and What Happens Next By Doug Casey

It recently exceeded its previous all-time high of around $69,000, which was set in November 2021. What are your thoughts? Doug Casey: Right now, the world runs on the dollar standard. Almost all international trade is done with the US dollar. Still, it’s increasingly apparent to everybody worldwide that the US dollar is the unbacked liability …[continue reading]