It deals with the 1901 Interpretations Act defining the meaning of Australia and how this affects you if you become a citizen of Australia. No wonder it was banned, by claiming citizenship of Australia renders you a foreigner to this land known as Australis or New Holland… Geographically, this country that was “assumed” as Australia, never was and never will be! … This is why a “Non Citizen Non Alien” has no jurisdiction with the foreign private state: Australia, because Australia. geographically, is not this land. This probably applies to most countries, giving the British Admiralty, (Vatican control-City of London) directive power over the lands under a false presumption and believe that such British Admiralty is the real government when in fact. its a foreign international… Black worms in face masks and covid test kits, is this bordering on international crime? Where was the full disclosure published, why are police and governing administrations forcing people to wear contaminated medical masks? have international bankers stepped over the mark this time? …