US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War

Scott Ritter is a former United Nations Weapons Inspector and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer with extensive knowledge of Israel War. Today we explore the problems with the Israel Hamas War and share insights into how it could end soon.

0:00 – Intro
2:37 – Welcome Scott Ritter
3:19 – The Truth About Life in Gaza
7:44 – How Israel Security Plans Failed
11:22 – How Israel’s Government Helped Create Hamas
16:22 – How Israel Can Defeat Hamas
18:30 – What Is the Exit Strategy for Israel?
26:20 – Will There Be a War Between US and Iran?
31:20 – Is There a Chance for Peace Now?
33:34 – Benjamin Netanyahu’s Future is Uncertain
37:40 – The US Plans for the Middle East
40:17 – How Oct 7th Changed the Middle East Forever