This short article forms the introduction to the first of a series of video discussions by Brian Gerrish and Alex Thomson on the subject of the psychological attack on the United Kingdom, and the origins, history and form of that attack.
Is such an attack happening? Yes, it certainly is, and if you would like an immediate introduction as to the reality of this statement, you may like to start by reading the excellent article The Psychological Attack on the UK by Dr Bruce Scott, already posted on the UK Column website.
Many years ago, I read The EU Collective: Enemy of Its Member States by Christopher Story — a very detailed analysis of the European Union project, focusing on deep politics within the EU, and Germany and Russia in particular. In his well researched and highly detailed work, Mr Story essentially warned that far from uniting and protecting the European nations involved, the EU project was a hostile and counterfeit political construct. Its ultimate aim was to form a key power bloc within Europe to foment, in Story’s own words, “a pillar of a long-planned One World government which will represent the final realisation of Lenin’s global revolution against the nation state.”
Now difficult to source, the book is freely available on the Internet as a downloadable PDF and can be found here or (zipped) here.

As seen above, the cover of the book (left) makes the key statement, as the subtitle of the work, “A Study in Russian and German Strategy to Complete Lenin’s World Revolution.” Page 5, also shown above in black and white, highlights that the Council of Europe used the famous painting by the sixteenth-century Flemish artist Bruegel the Elder, which depicts the Tower of Babel from the Book of Genesis in the Bible, to illustrate a publication entitled Europe: Many Tongues, One Voice. From this carefully chosen supranational image of rebellion against God, Christopher Story deduces that the EU has “no place for God in Lenin’s Common European Home.”
Yet it was not the book cover, nor page 5, that originally fired up my attention in the book and its contents. Rather, the table or grid on page 6 caught my immediate attention. Entitled “National Destabilisation Plan of KGB/GRU based on Soviet Defector Intelligence”, it set out, in simple tabular form, the “Departments” or “Areas” of the targeted society, the “Methods to be Employed” (against the Departments), and the “Intended Results”. As I read through the table, it struck an immediate chord by its similarity to material that I had read during my time as a warfare officer in the Royal Navy in the Cold War period. Alongside ‘open’ techniques of warfare, the military warfare specialists were taught and warned of the types and dangers of subversive and psychological subversive warfare. In Cold War times, leading to the fall of the Berlin Wall (and the supposed fall of communism), most of these warnings were attributed to the military activities of the USSR and the Warsaw Bloc. In the reports and documentation to which I then had security-cleared access, it was evident that alongside more traditional and readily understood Soviet propaganda, the political and military application of psychology was a dark and highly specialised area of its own. It was therefore no surprise when I read at the bottom of Christopher Story’s table the following description:
The national revolutionary subversion process [shown in the table] is based on details revealed by the Soviet defector Yuriy Bezmenov (a.k.a. Tomas Schuman), using his own knowledge of KGB strategy and details conveyed to John Barron, [the author of KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents (1974) and KGB Today: the Hidden Hand (1983), Hodder and Stoughton, London], by the GRU-KGB officer Stanislav Levchenko, who had attended the Soviet Academy of [Leninist] Sciences’ Oriental Studies Institute with Bezmenov. The chart, which has been elaborated by this Author on the basis of new information, shows the four stages of Soviet/Leninist ideological subversion: Demoralisation, Destabilisation, Crisis and ‘Normalisation’. Source: ‘Soviet Analyst’.
What was of far greater impact upon me than the above statement was that as I read each line of the table with “Areas”, “Methods” and “Intended Results”, I realised that each and every one of these defined areas of attack were already in place in our society in the United Kingdom, and were delivering not some, but all of the intended results. The overwhelming implication that I drew from this was that British society, and our Nation State itself, were being attacked using highly effective subversive methods and psychology. Moreover, the UK public as a whole was completely unaware of this, even though they were seeing and experiencing the adverse effects in a number of areas within their personal, family, community and professional lives.
The excellent article on the Psychological Attack on the UK by Dr Bruce Scott, highlighted at the start of this article, focuses attention of the present and very real circumstances of calculated and malicious psychological control of the public as part of the Covid ‘pandemic’. The video discussion by former GCHQ Eastern Bloc specialist Alex Thomson and myself, which takes a look back over several decades, will ultimately connect with Dr Scott’s 2021 analysis. First, though, we start with the EU Collective destabilisation table informed by Yuri Bezmenov’s confessions, and the nature, loyalties and warnings of defectors such as Bezmenov. By pursuing this strategy in the series that follows, we will start to draw together an analysis as to the real origins of the use of applied psychology to manipulate individuals and the general public to the aims and objectives of a hostile state or ideological power.
At this stage, we ask the reader if they were even aware that in 2010 the UK Government boasted in its Mindspace document (p. 66, bottom) that it could change the way the public thought and behaved without us even knowing this had been done. Even if we assume that our government only has our best interests at heart, the document and techniques are surely of concern in that we were not widely and publicly informed of the intention to use such techniques. When we realise that our government clearly does not always have our best interests at heart, the applied behavioural psychology techniques in question become more chilling in their reality and implications.
Against this backdrop, an increasing number of people in the UK today sense or fully realise that something is wrong. Current ‘lockdown’ restrictions have certainly heightened these feelings, but underneath — and even before — the Covid scare, many people felt an increased air of confusion, uncertainty, stress and even chaos. The reality is that every man, woman and child within the UK is being attacked. But how, and why?
To find out, join Alex Thomson and myself in Part One of our video discussions on the psychological attack on the UK.