The Nephilim Bloodline Goes Back at Least 6,500 Years to Ancient Sumeria

The feudalist bloodlines which control the wealth, politics, “sciences”, military and mis-education on this planet go back at least 6,500 years to ancient Sumeria and Babylon. Their “royal” blood, is the Sangreal or Holy Grail and is indeed different from that of humans.

They are hybrids of the Nephilim or fallen angels from the Book of Genesis. Others call them Annunaki. Their blood is RH Negative, which less than 15% of the planet have. The highest concentrations occur in the Basque region of Spain and France.

The Sangreal is their biggest secret, guarded closely by their secret society minions. It also explains their obsession with genealogy, genome sequencing and DNA mapping. At the very highest levels of the cabal, only the purest bloodline nobility become the Privy Council that “handles” every monarch in the world. The Latin “nobilitatis” means “high ranking”.

One very powerful bloodline is that of the Merovingian family, which claims to descend from Oannes, a Nephilim hybrid abomination mentioned in Babylonian texts which came from the sea and was half fish & half man.

The Merovingians also claim to descend from the Tribe of Dan, which settled at the base of Mt. Zion, and to Jesus, whom they say was taken off the cross before death, married Mary Magdalene and had three children.

The Merovingians morphed into the French Bourbon kings and have intermarried, as all these bloodlines do, with the powerful Nephilim bloodline of the Hapsburgs. King Juan Carlos of Spain has the surname de Borbon y Borbon, indicating that he is the son of two Merovingian parents.

Many of this bloodline suffer physical disfigurations, especially of the jaw. This comes from their obsession with inbreeding to protect the Nephilim blood.

The Merovingians also bred the Smith & Sinclair lineages. The latter is a powerful bloodline which has intermarried with the powerful Bruce lineage and overseas modern-day Freemasonry.

The Plantagenets are another powerful Nephilim or fallen angel bloodline, which intermarried with the Norse Viking Rollo bloodline when the latter moved into Normandy. These Norman hybrids then invaded the British Isles. Nearly every US President descends from the Plantagenet royals.

Other powerful Nephilim bloodlines include the Indian Khan family, founders of Sufism and funders of Islamic terror worldwide; the Chinese Li family, which controls the Triads mafia and claims dragon (“draco” or “watcher”) lineage and the Rothschild family, formerly the Bauers who started as accountants for the German House of Hesse.

According to the excellent research of both Fritz Springmeier and Gary Wayne, 13 Nephilim bloodline families sit at the very top of the terrestrial command structure.

A Council of 33 answers to them and a Committee of 300, as described in former MI6 agent John Coleman’s seminal book of same name, answers to the Council of 33. At these level, all members are ennobled with the purest Nephilim RH Negative blood.

Next down the ladder is the Priory of Sion which is the force behind Zionism, since the plan is to crown a bloodline fallen angel anti-Christ as world king in Jerusalem to cement one world government and complete their Great Work of Ages. The Priory was founded in 1080 and consists of only very high percentage bloodline members. The Rosicrucians are the Luciferian spiritual drivers and are also on this level.

Below that are the operational arms. The Knights Templar, officially disbanded by the Catholic Church in 1307, have morphed into the Knights of Malta, who represent the Nephilim moles in the Vatican.

Freemasons, Kabbalists and Muslim Brotherhood agents run the military and political wing. The City of London and the Bank of International Settlements represent the banking arm. The Illuminati spew out spiritual corruption, creating dark energy and conducting sorcery.

The Royal Society runs the mis-education and fake science departments via their fractured from the whole and thus flawed “seven sacred sciences” formulation.

The Royal Society also controls the Protestant religious sects, which sprang from the Venetian bankers funding of Martin Luther and the Reformation. Their job is to lie to humans as to the nature of reality and our origins.

Sadly, most everything we think we “know” comes from these Luciferians.

Many will be hoodwinked when these Zionists or scions (grafted ones), announce the Second Coming of Jesus, possibly in concert with a fake alien invasion, to take the throne in the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The king will actually be a Luciferian anti-Christ from one of the above-mentioned Nephilim bloodlines who will attempt to bring in a technology-driven New World Order total enslavement of humanity.

By Dean Henderson / Dean Henderson is the author of five books: 

  1. Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network;
  2. The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries;
  3. Das Kartell der Federal Reserve (German);
  4. Stickin’ it to the Matrix;
  5. The Federal Reserve Cartel.