Kilkenny TD lights vaccine bombshell

A Kilkenny TD dropped a bombshell in the Dáil when he broke Fianna Fáil and Government ranks and called for an independent investigation into ever growing ‘extra deaths’ in our city and county and throughout our country.

In an unexpected and truly passionate landmark appeal Deputy John McGuinness spoke of the differences of opinions and concerns among our people as distraught families continue to be ravaged by sudden deaths of young and elderly loved ones.

He dared to thread where others turned the other way, refused to accept that fear was now rampant in communities as families continue to suffer, loving parents and children worrying where the Grim Reaper will strike next.

Deputy McGuinness is the first politician at any level to speak out in our Carlow/Kilkenny Costituecy and his courage may have rocked what some might see as a cosy cartel that seems willing to believe that there is nothing sinister going on.

He told Kilkenny Press that he listened to all sides of different stories as ‘extra deaths’ continued to grow during years of Covid. He spoke to local families in the constituency and liaised with funeral undertakers and embalmers, both of which had frightening stories to relate.

He said he had followed the statistical work of Thomastown, Kilkenny man Patrick E. Walsh who had diligently been recording ‘extra deaths for almost a year.

“I kept my powder dry. I listened and tried to learn. Slowly but surely people were expressing concerns about the vaccines for Covid and their possible disastrous effects on people of all ages,” Deputy McGuinness told Kilkenny Press.

“I decided I had to keep an open mind but I kept talking and, more importantly I kept my ears open with the intention of breaking a conservative mould; raising any worries on behalf of the people I represent in the Dáil.

“The whole thing became and continues to be a hugely concerning matter of life and death and that is exactly why I decided it was time to open up. We have a duty to listen to our people and indeed to medics some of whom also continue to have reservations about vaccines.

“An Oireachtas Committee that I served on looked into Covid and to how we were responding to it at the time. It was suggested that work could be done looking into high mortality and trying to get to the end of cancers, a new range of cancers and all else that people are dying from.

“In doing so we would have to look into the vaccinations for Covid. There was a theory that some deaths followed vaccinations. The belief was that we should fulfill our obligation to investigate, to learn from what happened and to look into vaccines that came from nowhere. ‘Is the vaccine right’ was then being asked by some.”

The deputy said that rather than dismissing so-called conspiracy theorists we should listen to loud voices that are now there; voices that take a different view from institutional or conservative views.

“We can listen and learn. There may or may not be a point in what people are now saying. Out of interest and concern we should protect our present generation and we also have an obligation to the next generations. We must make sure that we learn from all of this and to come up with answers to the questions that are now being asked. We cannot simply dismiss those who at this time have different views as conspiracy theorists.

“I have read Patrick Walsh’s emails and looked at stuff on youtube and worked to learn as much as possible from the internet. My judgment is that there is sufficient sound commentary to warrant an investigation.

“I told my fellow TDs in the Dáil that I had spoken to undertakers. We spoke about heart attacks, youth deaths where young men were being swiped by sudden deaths, people dying from cancers, the elderly with unusual symptoms, clots, brain tumours. We need to understand what is happening. We hear loud voices and we have a duty to look at people’s concerns. We must find out if there is anything society needs to be concerned about.

“I have held my counsel until now. I have received vaccine but doubtful if I would take another. More and more people are being hit by that doubt.

“We must ensure that all views are listened to and investigated. For the State not to acknowledge that deep concern in Irish Society would be a big mistake. We must establish facts about what is being said, regardless of our own views.

“It is now up to Government to answer our call. This the first time that some colleagues with sound voices have given their views publicly as sensible debate is promoted. Democracy must now rule. The facts must be established.

“ ‘Extra deaths’ are being attributed by some to our ageing population. But it isn’t only the aged. Young people are also dying before their time. We need to know now. People who embalm bodies after death are presenting unusual findings in the bodies of the deceased. We cannot ignore that. We need to address it.

“I want to know about clots, young people dying, suicides. What is causing all this? When something like this is debated it shows there is significant worry among the general population. There has been nothing but funerals lately. Huge numbers are dying; we need to know why. What makes people choose suicide. Is it linked to the deaths we are talking about.

“Remarking that people with differing views are all crackpots is simply unhelpful and is not true. There is a sensible body of people raising its voice, saying we need to investigate this. I agree with them.”

The sound of silence that haunted our people as politicians of all levels refused to communicate after being contacted by concerned people. Mainstream media censored itself and to this day does not report on ‘excess deaths’, one of the great emergencies of our time.

Thanks to Deputy McGuinness a can of worms may now be opened. Only time will tell whether or not his passion for the truth will out and a huge burden will be lifted from the shoulders of Irish families.

Regardless, for so many hurt souls, suffering and pain will continue to haunt and a blight that was inflicted on Irish Society will forever be a burden.

Patrick E. Walsh has been campaigning for an independent investigation for almost a year. He now hopes that the dam is broken and we can get to the truth.

“I’d like to acknowledge Deputy McGuinness for raising the matter in the Dáil on Wednesday. “

Mr McGuinness dared to thread where a majority of public representatives at all levels didn’t dare to go.