An Overview of the World System of Bondage and Separation from Life”, an article by kenneth scott

World history is the story of how all the people in the world have been placed into individual indentured trusts that bond their future labour to underwrite the perpetual monetized debt system.
Without proper status, we have no standing or the capacity to affect change for ourselves, our families, our communities, our society and the world
As things stand today, by incremental and insidious processes enforced for over two hundred years, Americans and all other nations of people have accepted the status of indentured servants and debt slaves to a corporate machine intent on owning and controlling the world and, in the process, destroying all of creation in its lust for power and domination.
Most do not know they are not “the people” anymore, merely persons operating as franchises in a bankrupt system
What is a true sovereign by definition? A sovereign is one who is solvent, without impairment or obligatory attachments (liens, levies, distraints, distresses or the like) that attach to a living being; and since in commerce the living being is the surety guarantor of all the debts attached to the franchise (ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME) within the commercial system, then by definition one cannot be sovereign and remain in commerce.
The franchise is the initial vessel that is attached to the trust that was created at birth, which is then bonded by the birth certificate. The birth certificate account is the facility by which public funds are created under public-policy, public-policy having replaced public law, post bankruptcy of March 1933.
Chattel is movable property, not attached to the land. The word is related both to the modern words cattle and capital. Cattle are the stock held in the stockyard, the equity value derived from the land that they are grazed upon. It is no different than the people as chattel property that graze the plantation of the modern economy to create corporate stock as equity, that is traded, monetized and become capital to create public funds as currency
In reality, all people on this planet are in fact bankrupt and have been since the moment our mother’s signed an application form to register our infant bodies to receive what we commonly refer to as a birth certificate.”
There are no enemies, only opportunities. Can you consider that statement to be true? Can you consider the possibility that there really is no “them” outside of ourselves, but that we are responsible for our own condition and circumstances?
The Status Correction course is a path of self-transformation. Consider the possibility that if the world around you is in chaos, then consider that deep within you is where that chaos originates. Our starting point in that is contained in the following maxim: There Are No Enemies, Only Opportunities!
The external world is a reflection of the fact that we are at war with ourselves, that we are our own enemy and that any externally deployed and perceived enemy provides us an opportunity to address that polarity and separation within ourselves. Every enemy an opportunity, imagine that? And the ultimate opportunity is about stopping the war within, ceasing the hostilities and going to peace
When we say we want to get out of the matrix, our goal is really to reclaim our life force, reclaim our life and integrate it with the Ba and the Ka (the physical substance and the being)
The goal with walking out of the matrix is being in life by integrating our Ba and Ka, or being with our substance. The only way to be here, whole, is to be on the physical land – to be on the land and to be in oneís ìlanded estateî  (everything in the world system is an out picturing of our own inner landscape, thus we can look at the world and see ourselves. The repetitive patterns of the binary godhead that has usurped our reality and is rapidly attempting to co-opt every part of life into its IOTA fusion of AI-DNA-Man-Machine Trans-humanistic reality is a mirroring of that inner landscape. We can use our own insight to see within ourselves to understand how to walk through that mirror and find ourselves on the other side, as T.S. Eliot poetically penned: “…the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time) which is the physical body.
The United States flag was originally the flag of the British East India Company, the original joint stock corporation out of the City. When we pledge allegiance we are swearing an oath of fealty to the flag and its owner, the Lord Mayor of the City of London
The completion of the global system of bondage was realized when the United States corporation was put into bankruptcy in 1933. What followed was the creation of securities systems to bind all flesh, then the globalization of the Federal Reserve Note and the private jurisdictional system by and through the Empire State (New York) where the Fed resides. Every new being born into the flesh was captured, bonded, placed as a ward of the State, and the underlying estate was and is plundered from birth to death. This is a global system, not just in the United States, because it is all consolidated in one centralized system of Ba-An-Ka, Banks, and every nation is a corporate sub-division of the one Corporation in the City of London.

When a baby is born, the mother acts as the informant to inform to the State, to place the form of the infant body as the corpus of a trust, and the lineal ancestral estate is now under the guardianship and management of the United States, a bankrupt debtor in possession (of all bonded property and lives), the creditor being the Crown and the Holy See

The issue of being “lost at sea” reflects back to the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, enacted in the same year as the construction of the City was initiated. The act provides for how estates shall be passed on to heirs and beneficiaries in order to settle the estate if a man is lost and presumed dead. When we are lost at sea and presumed dead we have abandoned our estate, the landed estate, the Ba/Body.
All ties that bind must be removed; so ultimately rescinding those contractual agreements within the law of the contract is essential to be free. We leave the sea of the dead and walk onto the land of the living, where we have standing, status and capacity, where we are a king or queen as both sovereign and solvent.
The sea of death, as commerce, is where civilly dead entities are contained, which is why when we take out a debt we actually project ourselves into an imaginary future, called hypothecation, and are in effect wagering that we will win the bet against the state that we can “pay it off” and become whole again. But remember, the house always wins.
We have accepted and allowed ourselves to be will-less where it matters most, the legal and monetary construction of the world system. As you should know and understand by now, the integrated construction of this starts at birth, where the mother abandons the infant by the first step of registering the birth and bonding the hypothecated value of the new life, to be monetized as collateral surety of the franchise through which he or she will operate throughout life.
When we speak of achieving “Standing, Status and Capacities” there is inherently infused within those three words the essence of establishing our will. The world is a system, and the people have become organic robots that are systematized within it, to conform will-lessly to do what the will of the system requires, while thinking they are in control of their lives.
To have a “will” is not just to direct how your property will be disposed of when you die. You have in fact already died, because you are bonded to a system that only sees the dead, in which you are civilly dead and you can only function in that realm of the dead by and through a ghost ship floating on the sea of commerce. As such a wraith, when you are required to appear on the deck of the judicial ship (court) they summons you just like they would if you were a ghost summonsed to appear at a seance.