In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, “Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?” For more info: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Chris Wark interviews Carl Helvie, the longest living lung cancer survivor. Carl refused chemo and used natural methods to heal himself in 1975 after being given 6 months to live! Carl is the longest known lung cancer survivor. He searched until he found a physician willing to try nutritional therapy. He took several supplements including …[continue reading]
GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies naturally make to destroy cancer. All 5 billion healthy humans make their own GcMAF. A human makes 10,000 – 100,000 cancer cells a day, but your GcMAF, which has six attacks on cancer, destroys them every day. Original article from, 16th September 2016 —— If you are interested …[continue reading]
With this many planned vaccinations, it’s open season on you and your children’s bodies, as the big wheels of big business move into enforcing hundreds more vaccines on the nation. We will see an even sharper rise in Autism, Cancer and many many other debilitating diseases in the USA and it will effect us all. …[continue reading]
With the pending Tokyo Olympics being termed the “Radioactive Games,” there are stark warnings for the health of everyone in Tokyo and the surrounding area of Fukushima after the nuclear disaster there 8 years ago. With a rising epidemic of thyroid cancer, whilst, thanks to “biomagnification” the radiation is spreading across the Pacific Ocean, as …[continue reading]
The goat rodeo we’re seeing in US Congress, with AG Barr being held in contempt for refusing to break the law, with the calls for Trump’s impeachment and the Mueller Investigation, itself – all have been distractions being thrown up by Deep Staters to divert attention away from the many crimes of the corrupt establishment, …[continue reading]
It’s understood this morning’s operation is connected to a wider investigation of a Munster-based crime gang. 2 hours ago 76,301 Views 103 Comments Share192 Tweet Email2 Image: Brian Lawless THREE GARDAÍ HAVE been arrested following raids on a number of premises in Munster this morning. A garda superintendent, inspector and ranking member are now being questioned on suspicion of …[continue reading]
Watch “AV10 – GcMAF, Big Pharma & The Persecution of David Noakes & Lyn Thyer” on YouTube EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Demands new powers be transferred to international authority that ‘manages’ interests of nations. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Pope Francis Calls For Global Governance to Fight Climate Change
Your jurisdiction determines your “standing”, or your lack of “standing”. jurisdiction. 1. Power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders.2. Territory within which a court or government agency may properly exercise its power. See, e.g. Ruhrgas AG v. Marathon Oil Co. et al., 526 U.S. 574 (1999). A man or woman who “acts” in “joinder” …[continue reading]