Nils Melzer – United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture – examines the case of Julian Assange

In this speech Nils Melzer, a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture & Professor of international law at the University of Glasgow, talks about the case of Julian Assange. This speech was recorded on the 4th of February 2020 at the Royal National Hotel in London in a public rally organized by the “Don’t Extradite …[continue reading]

United Nations: demasking the Torture of Julian Assange. Rico Brouwer and Nils Melzer

The United Nations Rapporteur for torture, Nils Melzer, reports that Julian Assange is being tortured in a concerted and prolonged defamation campaign by the UK, US, Sweden and Ecuador. In café Weltschmerz Rico Brouwer interviews Nils Melzer who’s visited Assange in Belmarsh prison. He asks him how Assange is doing and what’s up with the …[continue reading]

Earth Grids and Ley Lines | The Invisible Super-Science of the Megalith Builders | Megalithomania

Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? A super grid involving polyhedral forms, ley lines, earth energy currents, cymatics and archaeoastronomical alignments? We now know that the world was surveyed by an ancient elite of astronomers, navigators, surveyors and shamen who explored and mapped the earth in antiquity. Did they map a …[continue reading]

Company Is Using Plastic Bottles To Make Roads That Last 10x Longer Than Asphalt

Since its creation in 1907, plastic has been all around us. Nowadays, plastic is critical to modern life, as it is used for most things we use daily.   It made possible the development of most of the lifesaving advances of modern time. Being inexpensive, plastics raised the standard of living and made material abundance …[continue reading]