Claim of Right to Rite

Claim of Right of Rite:
Claim of Right Act 1689:


As of: the Twelfth day, of February in the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty one; A.D.
The office of the executor, of the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate;
Is now: permanently occupied, by: Stuart-leslie :Dalton-Rae.
A living flesh and blood man, of conscious soul;
With Deed of live-birth, proving life, and age of maturity;
1. With the power invested, in the executors office, granted by the Lord God: The office, of the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; Now Grants the claim of right by rite, of Stuart-leslie :Dalton, to be the one and only true occupier, of the Executors office, therefore;
2. The power of attorney, that was/is, fraudulently and falsely claimed and held by others, has now and forever more, been revokes; rescinded; and now stands null and void, Nunc Pro Tunc;
3. Forbidding all trespass: to any and all others, be they the living, in both their, acting roles or private capacity; be it an entity, or entities; that may lay claim to;
4. The living man: Stuart-leslie :Dalton, of flesh and blood man, and conscious soul;
takes ownership and claim to The: STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate;
The: Executors office, of the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate;
The assumed : Legal fiction, and persona, STUART LESLIE DALTON;
S.L DALTON; STUART DALTON; or any derivations thereof, with or without title, or written in any altered format;
5. In the presents, of the, Lord God, and with the Lord God’s blessing, “the Executors office” executes it power, for-and-over, the STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; and Now-Grants, the only acceptable, position of “power of attorney”: to Stuart-leslie :Dalton, the true, one and only, Occupier of the Executor Office, that will, forever now, rests in the hands of, Stuart-leslie :Dalton; in addition;
6. With the power invested in the executors office, this claim of right by rite, shall from now, be, backdated, to the Third of October, in the year One thousand nine hundred and Seventy Seven, Anno Domini, to the present, and forever-now, from where, all claims and assumed ownership, of and over, Stuart-leslie :Dalton; the executor office; and the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; By: all and any, be they: a seal: mark: thumb print; finger print; hand print, foot print; blood sample; DNA sample; saliva sample; skin sample, autograph, signature, claims of bondage, claims of contracts, claims of slavery, or assumed ownership in any way or form, are, here-and-now, past, present, and future, revoked for ever more, and to remain forever, null and void, Nunc pro tunc;

I hereby affirm and declare upon my own unlimited commercial liability and under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true, complete and correct, and not misleading.

This matter is now adjourned.

Govern yourselves accordingly;
By: Stuart-leslie :Dalton.
By Executor: Stuart-leslie :Dalton.
Marked & Sealed:
Affixed: for open challenge: For Thirty Days Clear,
After which The Claim of Right of Rite; becomes Law and Final. Nunc pro tunc.
By the light of Day:
The twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord Two thousand and twenty one, A.D.
As-of: the date as written above, and for the next thirty (30) days clear:
Let: any Man – or – Wom(b)man; who would challenges these Claims, come forward, and make those challenges clear, for under our Lord Gods laws, all men and women are equal, and all have a say, For that is God’s Law, and the rule of Law, however;
(1) Any claim that is made, must be truthful; sincere and factual, contained irrefutable proof, to prove the facts and sworn under an oath, under pain and penalty of perjury;
(2) Should any claim be under the “presumption of Law”, then that presumption must first be, proven to be factual, were the facts must be presented, to show it is indeed Law, with irrefutable evidence supplied, sworn under an oath, under pain and penalty of perjury;
“then-and-only-then, will the evidence presented, to challenge the Right of Rite claims, will that challenge be accepted, to be used as claimed evidence, however, that which is used, to challenge the executors office, must contain, irrefutable evidence, and be, sworn under an oath, under pain and penalty of perjury;
Warning, not to be taken lightly, as the executors office, will defend its estate rigorously, therefore;
(3) Any that do challenge the executors office, are indeed attacking the Executors Office, and the occupier of that Office, should they be: “wrong”, or “commit harm”, even a “mistake”, they will be held guilty of an attack, therefore;
(4) let those who would challenge come forward, having, within their hand/s, a sworn testimony of truth, containing irrefutable evidence, that they have the authority and right of claim over : Stuart-leslie : Dalton, a living flesh and blood man, of conscious soul; as well as the authority to operate the executors office, and/or control the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; and should their challenge, not be within Universal and Rule of law, but be in the presumption of Law, then these challengers must also furbish the factual proof that their presumption of Law, stands as fact, and be valid, sworn under an oath, under pain and penalty of perjury;
(4a) Should the challenge be proven and the evidence factual, being supplied sworn under an oath, under pain and penalty of perjury,
Then and only then, will all claims, by this office be withdrawn;
(5) However should any of the claims be false, which by its very nature of being an attack, on the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; then remedy will be sought for harm done against Stuart-leslie :Dalton; The Executors Office; and the, STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; up to £10,000,000 (Ten Million Pounds GREAT-BRITISH-POUNDS-STERLING S) per individual, (payable on demand), and three fold against an entity that an individual or group represent, (payable on demand) ;
(6) The executors office, of the STUART LESLIE DALTON, Estate; will always reserve the right, to seize, all assets and property, should the remedy not be paid, or to place the Challengers, and or entities, into receivership, and sell off all assets, to recover outstand debt and costs.
(7) Should no challenges be made, within in the 30 clear-days from the date above: and here shown:
(The Twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord Two thousand and twenty one; A.D);
Then the Claim of Right of Rite, shall become Law, and thereafter indissoluble.

These are the words of the executors office, for the, STUART DALTON, Estate;
For as-it-is-written So-it-will-be:
Govern yourself accordingly.
By:_Stuart-leslie :Dalton.
:The Executor
As-Marked and sealed.

By: Stuart-leslie : Dalton. no dolus
Honourable Stuart-leslie :Dalton-Rae, living soul, sui juris, Agent, a lawful Man.

This document prepared by: Stuart-leslie :Dalton.

Also Published with:

Common Law Court Register of Legal Fiction: FN / 20 / 287546

Common Law Court Public Notice Submission: PN / 20 /280651 –   Claim the Right to Rite

Common Law Court Public Notice Copyright Submission: PN / 20 / 380656  – Copy Claim

End of Document.

All Rebuttals or challenges are to be directed to :
The Executors Office,
6 West End;
North-Yorkshire[YO32 5UH].
(Note what is required prior to your challenge, which then will be registered),
your challenge must contain a Name, a signature, and address, “not a PO-Box”.
all factual, irrefutable evidence, must be attached to an Affidavit of Truth, and Notarised .
Claiming that the factual evidence you supply is True and factual,
as well as stating: you understand the penalty, for false and misleading information, and lying under oath.
Accept the conditions of Remedy: for harm done, by attacking, harming, or assuming control over the executors office,
by the committing of perjury, in using false and misleading evidence, under oath, that has no factual standing in law.
should your claim be found to be false and untrue.
for copy of Original: marked and sealed: email –
in subject put: request: copy-of-original-document.