The Finance Curse – Professor confirms Banks do Not loan Money: Exchange of Promises (securities)

You may wish to refer to the video as being “that” which has caused-you to ask questions. What a fantastic “excuse” to use as your reason for asking the banker to show you that The expert is wrong, and The Bank does loan money. Anyone seen a material monetary loss lately? Me thinks-not. And thus …[continue reading]

JP Morgan says dump US dollar as its century of global dominance coming to end

  The only advice here, according to the bank, is to get rid of US dollar ‘overweights’ in investment portfolios and to diversify. While some banks are dumping the dollar in favor of the euro, others prefer a more stable source of value, gold. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

The Real Game of Missing Money

You might say – well I live in Europe or Asia, why should I care? You should care because the credit of your investments – your pension fund, your sovereign wealth fund, and your banks and insurance companies- is being debased as well. In addition, your national security umbrella is likely threatened. All of us …[continue reading]

Martin Armstrong – USA Prettiest Ugly Sister in Global Economy

Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong says America’s economy is like being “the prettiest ugly sister in the family” of nations. So, if the U.S. economy is so good, why the rush to cut interest rates? Armstrong explains, “It’s really the world economy which is in serious trouble. You really have to look closely …[continue reading]