This is article number two in a series about 5G. We have no choice but to cover this because our friends and family in the Sacramento area are suffering from symptoms now, according to their firsthand accounts of nausea, headaches, and chest pains, from Natomas to downtown Sacramento. If we’re going to understand Verizon’s 4-city rollout of …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G


A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn…use it to target your local bureaucrats, technocrats, health practitioners, local and federal government agencies and more than anything else…your family and friends. Featuring in this …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Judge Orders British Man Opposing 5G Released from Jail – Attempts to Silence Him Failed

Anti 5-G Educator from England – Arrested and Jailed but not Silenced Mark Steele, from England, has been making headlines for telling the truth about the dangers of 5-G. He has been trying to educate the Gateshead community and its Council about the serious risks of 5-G technology. [1, 2] The Gateshead Council approved the …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

5G: The twelve trillion dollar technology

The adoption of 5G mobile technology could enable $12.4 trillion of global economic output by 2035, according to a study by IHS Markit (commissioned by Qualcomm). The study, The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy, sees 5G as not just an improvement over 4G, but as a transformational step change that will make …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

Going on from one of the most read stories published by TruePublica on the health effects of the latest technology 5G (What you don’t know about 5G but will find out when its too late) long-time United Nations staff member Claire Edwards summarizes worldwide developments in the 5G situation. While still far from a victory claim, there …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Cell Phone Radiation Leads to Cancer, Says U.S. NTP in Final Report

TruePublica Editor: Following on from our exclusive reports (Mobile Phone Cover-Up) (From Phonegate to Dieselgate) by Annelie Fitzgerald who is a member of the Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance, comes this article from Microwave News about research conducted on rats that developed a cancer link that was once thought impossible by the manufacturers of mobile phones and …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Mobile Phones – Insurance underwriters refuse industry cover, legal cases underway

By Graham Vanbergen: A recent Guardian article entitled “The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones” stated that “On 28 March this year, the scientific peer review of a landmark United States government study concluded that there is “clear evidence” that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer.” The article went on to say that “For …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

What you don’t know about 5G but will find out when its too late

By  Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA –  worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017 writes the following appeal: The first eight months of WWII with no fighting – was called The Phoney War. Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

Watch: Firefighters Report Neurological Damage After Cell Tower Installation Near Their Station

The Facts: Following a cell tower installation on their fire station, Firefighters were all found to have abnormal brain chemistry. Reflect On: Why is this technology being rolled out without any appropriate biological safety testing first? If we already have reason to believe there are issues, shouldn’t we test effectively first? “Putting in tens of …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G